
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2023

Blog - Mario Andrés Sierra

¡Hi! My name is Mario Andrés Sierra, I am tudent in the Software Analysis and Development program at SENA file 2627053

1. Brochure GA1-240202501-AA1-EV03

1. Brochure GA1-240202501-AA1-EV03  

2. Forum Participation “Giving opinions about jobs”

Forum Participation

3. Audio GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02

  Id Evidencia:   436829207 Evidencia enviada el:  2023-05-11 18:20:14 Aprendiz:  MARIO ANDRES SIERRA OSPINA Respuesta: Good afternoon, my name is Mario Andrés Sierra, SENA’s student of analysis and development of software of the file number 2627053. This audio will be presented to the teacher Jose Fernando Triana from the English area. In my opinion, if I had finished my degree in systems earlier, I would already have a better stable job, but at this moment I am working as an Excel teacher in several companies and my plans are finish this course to be able to rise and find a company with better remuneration. and better working conditions.  If I had known that my accounting career would not give me a stable job, I would have studied systems from the beginning and if I had known that the economic situation was going to be very difficult for me, I should not have resigned from the bank where I worked for more than 15 years for start a business. Thanks for listen. Regards.

4. Evidence GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03: Steve Jobs chronic

Steve Jobs chronic

5. ● Evidence GA2-240202501-AA2-EV02 Presentation of the Tomine reservoir.

  ● Evidence GA2-240202501-AA2-EV02 Presentation of  the Tomine reservoir. 

6. ● Evidence GA2-240202501-AA2-EV03: written document


7. Audio GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02

Id Evidencia:  435275092 Evidencia enviada el:  2023-05-09 12:18:58 Aprendiz:  MARIO ANDRES SIERRA OSPINA Respuesta: Welcome to my performance, my name is Mario Andrés Sierra SENA’s student of analysis and development of software of the file number  2627053 this is the activity in English in order to indentify my attitudes, beliefs and obligations in working and academic contex. This audio will be presented to the teacher Jose Fernando Triana from the English area. Let´s remember that the attitudes are the behaviur of the human being in front of certain activities, I mean the way of act. According to my experiences to achieve a goal or an aim, in the academic or working area, I regard that we have to carry out a diary routine and have a place  to work and study without any distraction to focus in the assignment , for example different hours of the day where we can realize our tasks and then will have some free time to rest or realize some hobbie. Don´t procrastinate it´s the key to m

8. Mind Map (Personal Learning Environment) PLE GA4-240202501-AA1-EV02


9. Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA1-EV02: Mario Andres Sierra´s interview

    ● Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA1-EV02: Interview .